【英语中国】中信证券拓展遇阻 彰显中国金融体系缺陷

双语秀   2016-05-14 19:23   124   0  

2010-6-8 21:22

小艾摘要: Citic Securities has ambitions to be the Goldman Sachs of China. But its latest effort to win new business has hit a hitch, underscoring the pitfalls of China's young financial system as it matures.C ...
Citic Securities has ambitions to be the Goldman Sachs of China. But its latest effort to win new business has hit a hitch, underscoring the pitfalls of China's young financial system as it matures.

Citic Securities, an arm of the sprawling state-controlled Citic Group conglomerate, is China's largest brokerage house by assets and the most ambitious of China's homegrown brokerages. It has spent years looking for a tie-in with overseas investment banks that would help spread its international profile beyond Hong Kong. In recent months, Citic has come to an agreement with Credit Agricole's Corporate & Investment Bank to explore the two houses combining their equity businesses around the world.

Data from Dealogic shows Citic Securities generated more fees from underwriting equity issuance than did its domestic rivals, with 17.7% of the mainland Chinese market last year. China International Capital is the closest runner-up, with 15.3%, though Citic falls to third behind CICC and Switzerland's UBS when Hong Kong is included. It also leads in managing funds for Chinese investors. Its wholly owned China Asset Management unit has about 250 billion yuan, or $36.6 billion, in assets under management, accounting for about 5% of the fund-management market.

But owning both has become a problem. As Beijing looks to tighten lending to keep China's go-go economy reined in, a slew of Chinese companies are planning rights offerings to raise capital. In a rights issue, shareholders are granted the right to buy more shares at a set price, often a discount to the current price.

In developed markets those rights typically take the form of tradable securities, similar to warrants. This enables shareholders who don't want to buy the new shares to sell the rights to someone who does. But China doesn't allow the rights to be traded, forcing a company to either buy shares it doesn't want or forfeit the right altogether.

Chinese regulations also forbid a fund-management company from subscribing to a share issue underwritten by its largest shareholders. In many cases, China Asset Management is a significant shareholder in many Chinese companies by virtue of the funds it manages.

That puts Citic Securities in a tough position. It can direct its fund management company to forfeit the rights in order to win a share of the business underwriting rights offerings, a move that deprives the fund of buying new shares as a discount. Or China Asset Management's funds can participate in the rights offerings, while Citic Securities gives up on much of the underwriting.

Citic Securities has chosen the latter. So far, it hasn't bid to underwrite rights issues in China by China Merchants Bank, Bank of Communications, China Industrial Bank and Bank of Nanjing.

At the behest of the securities regulator, Citic Securities put 51% of China Asset Management on the market last year. But it may struggle to find one firm with sufficient resources willing to take a majority stake.

Citic Securities isn't the only securities firm facing this conundrum, though it is by far the largest. China Merchants Securities, which has a majority stake in China Merchants Fund Management, also has to make the choice been underwriting and subscribing to rights issues. The firm declined to comment.

Still, Beijing may have good reason to be wary of creating another tradable assets class. Warrants, introduced in 2005, were subject to huge trading volume as speculators piled into the novel, little understood product, only to get burned when markets moved against them.

Citic Securities is likely to have a good year regardless. It is underwriting Agricultural Bank of China's initial public offering, which could be one of the largest in history. It also is on board to underwrite Industrial & Commercial Bank of China's stock offering once it is approved by Beijing, and it will probably bid for China Construction Bank's new share issue despite it being a rights issue.

But it might see itself losing ground in its home market just as it starts making a mark overseas.
中信证券股份有限公司(Citic Securities)有雄心成为中国的高盛(Goldman Sachs)。但该公司赢得新业务的最新努力却遭遇了阻碍,这彰显出中国年轻的金融体系在成熟过程中所存在的缺陷。

中信证券隶属于业务范围广泛的国有控股企业中信集团公司(Citic Group),按资产规模衡量它是中国最大的经纪公司,也是中国最具雄心的本土证券公司。中信证券多年来一直寻求与海外投资银行建立业务关系,这种联系有助于中信证券将其国际业务扩展到香港以外。最近几个月,中信证券已经与东方汇理银行(Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank)达成协议,两公司将尝试将双方的全球股票业务合并在一起。

Dealogic提供的数据显示,中信证券在承销新发行股票方面获得的服务费收入居国内同行之首,去年在中国这块市场的占有率达到17.7%。中国国际金融有限公司(China International Capital Corp.)的市场占有率紧随其后,为15.3%,但如果计算进在香港市场获得的这项收入,中信证券的排名则跌至第三位,低于中国国际金融有限公司和瑞士的瑞银(UBS)。中信证券在为中国投资者理财方面也居于领先地位。其全资子公司华夏基金管理有限公司(China Asset Management Co.)管理的资产约为人民币2,500亿元,合366亿美元,约占理财市场总额的5%。





中信证券选择了后者。迄今为止它已放弃申请承销招商银行(China Merchants Bank)、交通银行(Bank of Communications)、兴业银行(China Industrial Bank)和南京银行(Bank of Nanjing)新发行的股票。


虽然面临这种难题的并非只有中信证券一家证券公司,但中信证券却是迄今为止面临这一困境的企业中规模最大的。招商证券(China Merchants Securities)拥有招商基金管理有限公司(China Merchants Fund Management)的多数股权,它也必须在承销新股和认购新股之间做出选择。该公司拒绝对此发表评论。


虽然如此,中信证券今年预计仍会有不错的业务表现。它正在承销中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)在首次公开募股中发行的股票,这次发行有可能成为有史以来世界上最大规模的首次公开募股交易。如果中国工商银行(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China)的股票发行获得中国政府批准,中信证券也将参与股票承销,该公司还有可能申请承销中国建设银行发行的新股。
