【英语中国】降温效果超预期 中国楼市被冷冻

双语秀   2016-05-14 19:22   81   0  

2010-6-4 18:58

小艾摘要: Government policy changes have thrown China's booming property market into a period of paralysis that some industry executives say will last for months, weighing on global growth prospects already ba ...
Government policy changes have thrown China's booming property market into a period of paralysis that some industry executives say will last for months, weighing on global growth prospects already battered by Europe's turmoil.

A rebound in China's property market has been central to the nation's rapid recovery from the financial crisis, but surging housing prices had led to increasingly open discontent from middle-class families in major cities. After months of indecision, Beijing in mid-April announced a package of policies intended to blow the froth out of the market by restricting speculative purchases.

Officials may have gotten more than they bargained for. Though still too recent for their effect to show up in official economic statistics, early indications are that the new measures have sharply cooled the property market. Arriving around the same time as the debt crisis in Greece, China's new restrictions caused many investors and businesses to question the strength of the global recovery. Domestic steel prices are down 7.4% since the April measures, and as of Thursday China's main stock market index is down 19.4%.

The housing market in many -- though not all -- Chinese cities seems to have nearly ground to a halt. On average, the number of residential property transactions in the four weeks after the curbs were unveiled is down 40% compared with the four weeks before the measures, according to figures covering 24 major cities from real-estate consultancy Soufun.com.

China's economic growth was already widely expected to slow in coming months, as the impact of last year's stimulus policies fade. Some forecasters, seeing weaker prospects in a key industry, are now further marking down their numbers for this year. China International Capital Corp. now expects the economy to expand 9.5% in 2010 as a whole, rather than the 10.5% it previously forecast.
But the key variable for how things unfold is difficult to forecast: What Beijing will do next. Analysts are divided about whether the government is more likely to take additional measures to push down prices, or start to reverse itself to restore market confidence.

Investors are focused on whether Beijing will impose new taxes on residential property, a move that is being discussed by big cities including Shanghai and Chongqing. On Monday, China's State Council signaled support for such changes, approving a set of economic-reform priorities including 'gradually advancing reform of real-estate taxation.' Even though no specific plans have been announced, the issue is weighing on markets since higher taxes would push down the value of properties.

'The government has been very ambiguous about the property market,' said Li-Gang Liu, China economist for Australia & New Zealand Banking Group. Officials are afraid both of letting a bubble get out of hand, and of cracking down too hard and endangering growth, as happened in early 2008, he said.

The prospect that real-estate market rules may be rewritten has created uncertainties for both buyers and sellers, who are trying to figure out what the government's new attitude means for the market. The April rules raised down-payment requirements and restricted purchases of multiple homes, and were supplemented by other measures that differ from city to city. Yet the subsequent slowdown seems to be greater than can be explained by the number of people directly affected by the changed rules.

'What's really dampened the market is the uncertainty. That overhang is what's driving everyone to wait,' said Kevin Yung, executive vice president of IFM Investments Ltd., which runs the Century 21 real-estate agency franchise in China. 'We think this could last another three to six months,' he said, a rough forecast shared by other industry executives.

Mr. Yung reports that his business is seeing plenty of traffic: People are still looking at apartments and asking about prices. But many are holding off final decisions, and will likely need prices to come down before they plunge into homeownership. 'We think prices are going to come down, probably by about 20%, but it will happen over time because this adjustment is driven more by policy than demand,' he said.

Quincy Zhao, who works at a consulting firm in Shanghai, is waiting to see if the government's measures really will make a dent in the city's steep prices. Ms. Zhao, 26, rents an apartment with three friends, but has her eye on a place of her own in the Pudong district that would at current prices cost her three million yuan, or about $440,000.

'I have to be super cautious given that the situation is not so clear at the moment. I am afraid that getting into the market now will lead to a loss if the property price really goes down,' Ms. Zhao said. 'Personally, I do hope that these policies will work.'







澳新银行(Australia & New Zealand Banking Group)中国经济学家刘利刚说,政府在对待房地产市场的态度上一直是模棱两可。官员们既担心泡沫失控,又担心打压过猛会危及经济增长,就像2008年初的情况那样。


21世纪不动产执行副总裁容敬思(Kevin Yung)说,真正影响市场的因素是不确定性。这种悬而未决的问题导致每个人都在等待。我们认为这种情况可能再持续三到六个月。其它同行高管对此也有同感。


上海某咨询公司的Quincy Zhao正在观望政府的措施能否真的把上海高企的房价降下来。今年26岁的她与三个朋友合租了一套房子,但看上了浦东新区的一套房子。这套房子按照当前的价格需要人民币300万元(约合440,000美元)。

Quincy Zhao说,鉴于目前的情况并不明朗,我必须特别谨慎。我担心如果现在出手,一旦房价真降了,我就亏了。就我个人而言,我真的希望这些政策能够奏效。