
双语秀   2016-05-14 19:20   106   0  

2010-6-2 00:04

小艾摘要: Workers pushing for higher wages at one of Honda Motor's coastal Chinese plants could well be setting a trend. The dynamics of China's economic development are moving inexorably in favor of the coun ...
Workers pushing for higher wages at one of Honda Motor's coastal Chinese plants could well be setting a trend.

The dynamics of China's economic development are moving inexorably in favor of the country's workers. China's recent economic growth has mostly favored owners of capital, but demographic trends mean labor shortages are set to grow, tipping the income equation in labor's favor.

This should have some beneficial effects, rebalancing China's export-dependent economy. But the transition won't be easy, and China could well see more episodes like the strike at Honda.

The trend has been discernible for a while, as the effects of an aging population and China's one-child policy kick in. In the past 10 years, the population of 20- to 39-year-olds -- from which most manufacturing labor is drawn -- has fallen 22%, Merrill Lynch says.

Making it more difficult for coastal manufacturers to attract workers is that Beijing's economic stimulus efforts have favored the country's middle to western regions, drawing labor away from the east coast. High housing prices in major eastern cities also discourage potential migrants from moving without the promise of adequate reward.

Many economists see the upward pressure on wages as a good thing. Higher incomes for households could help their consumption take a greater share of the economy. If companies respond by moving their manufacturing bases inland -- as they have started to do -- this could also help reduce regional disparities in economic development.

But policy makers will have to prove adaptable. too. Labor shortages will be more easily addressed if China relaxes its policies on internal migration. The current hukou system discriminates against workers moving from rural to urban areas. Steps to provide more affordable urban housing would also help cities attract more workers.

Most of all, perhaps, China's leaders will have to become more tolerant of institutions, such as labor unions, which can maintain a dialogue about the wishes of workers without getting bogged down in the kind of unrest now seen at Honda.

Honda's problems are a signal to Beijing that it is going to have to become more flexible.
本田汽车(Honda Motor)中国沿海一工厂内的工人争取加薪,很有可能是在引燃一种趋势。



随着人口老龄化和中国独生子女政策显现影响,上述趋势已经在一段时间里明析可辩。美林公司(Merrill Lynch)说,在过去10年,作为制造业劳动力主要来源的20到39岁人口已经减少了22%。




