【英语中国】逃避民怨 中国富人移民海外

双语秀   2016-05-14 19:20   91   0  

2010-6-3 22:36

小艾摘要: Maryland and New Jersey aren't the only ones experiencing wealth flight.An article in the Straits Times says the rich in China are increasingly fleeing home to avoid taxes, government crackdowns and ...
Maryland and New Jersey aren't the only ones experiencing wealth flight.

An article in the Straits Times says the rich in China are increasingly fleeing home to avoid taxes, government crackdowns and rising popular resentment.

Some of the most popular destinations include Australia, Canada, Singapore and the U.S. While there are no specific data on the emigration of rich Chinese, the article says the number of Beijing applicants for investment-immigration visas to the U.S. doubled last year to about 1,000, according to statistics from the Beijing Entry and Exit Service Association.

The visa grants permanent residency in exchange for an investment of $500,000 or more in certain troubled sectors or regions.

Taxes are a big driver (yes, the U.S. is still lower than some countries), but security and peace-of mind also play a role. With the gap between rich and poor skyrocketing in China, the wealthy are feeling increasingly uncomfortable. 'Many of these people-even the ones who are not so rich-see that the social situation in China is not stable, and will seize the opportunity to move overseas to places with less social friction,' said sociology professor Li Lulu of Renmin University.

We have our own rising resentments and wealth gaps, of course. But they pale compared to China's. And for the sake of perspective, it is worth noting that at a time when the American rich feel persecuted, the U.S. is still a highly hospitable place to be rich.

Do you think China is a better place to be rich than America?
Bloomberg News中国国航与中国东航的飞机正在北京首都国际机场排队起飞。

新加坡《海峡时报》(Straits Times)一篇文章说,有越来越多的中国富人正在逃离祖国,以避开征税、政府打压和不断沸腾的民怨。




