
双语秀   2016-05-14 19:19   90   0  

2010-5-31 12:52

小艾摘要: Following an audit of the headquarters and 11 branches of Agricultural Bank of China at the end of April, China’s National Audit Office revealed that it had found lending irregularities amounting to ...
Following an audit of the headquarters and 11 branches of Agricultural Bank of China at the end of April, China’s National Audit Office revealed that it had found lending irregularities amounting to tens of billions of renminbi.

The audit came at an embarrassing time for the country’s fourth-largest lender by assets, which is just a few months away from an initial public offering in Hong Kong and Shanghai, which is expected to be the world’s largest, at about $30bn.

It also provides a timely reminder of the challenges that still face China’s underdeveloped, state-dominated banking sector despite a decade of frenetic reform.

Chinese lenders, such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank, are now among the most valuable (by market capitalisation) and profitable banks in the world, but just 10 years ago the entire banking system was technically insolvent.

In a series of bail-outs and bad loan carve-outs starting in the late 1990s, the government succeeded in reviving most of the country’s largest lenders before selling minority stakes to foreign investors and then listing them in some of the world’s biggest IPOs.

That process is still not completely finished, with Agricultural Bank and a number of smaller banks yet to sell shares to the public, but by most accounts the exercise has been a huge success.

“Without a doubt Chinese banks have come a very long way from a decade ago when they were mostly insolvent,” says Charlene Chu, an analyst at Fitch Ratings.

“Their balance sheets, disclosure and accounting are all dramatically better but in terms of becoming real commercial banks as we know in other countries, they still have a way to go and sometimes investors believe they’ve made more progress than they really have.”

Most analysts agree that the biggest challenge facing all Chinese banks, which are almost still majority owned by the state, is the quality of the loans on their books, particularly after a state-directed lending spree that saw the volume of new loans double last year from a year earlier to Rmb9,600bn ($1,400bn).

“What’s been happening in China is very similar to what was going on in the west in 2007 and 2008 – it’s a liquidity-fuelled asset bubble,” according to Lonnie Dounn, an independent risk consultant.

“Walk down any major street in China and see how many buildings have been empty for years then ask yourself how are they not bad loans on some bank’s balance sheet?”

Mr Dounn says that most banks’ asset quality numbers “completely lack credibility”. He adds: “A lot of loans are never going to be repaid but the banks keep rolling them over and calling them good loans as long as the interest payments continue. This is implicit government spending and will eventually show up in a bank bail-out when the government has to recapitalise the banks again.”

While risk management procedures that were put in place before and after the banks’ IPOs have improved their oversight, analysts say that last year’s credit binge reversed a lot of the gains.

Mortgage lending and lending to property developers soared last year, helping to inflate a real estate bubble that the government is now trying to deflate without causing it to pop.

Another area of concern is the boom in lending to the funding vehicles of local governments.

Provincial and municipal governments are not allowed to raise money directly through bond sales or bank loans, so often get round this by setting up shell companies with an implicit state guarantee to take on large debt loads.

According to estimates from BNP Paribas, about Rmb3,000bn worth of new lending went to these local government funding vehicles last year with the bulk of the loans backed only by provincial government guarantees rather than actual collateral.

The fear is that many of the bridges, sewage pipes and parks paid for by these loans will yield little or no return, forcing local governments to find other ways to repay them or default.

The good news is that China’s banking regulator is regarded as the most effective of all the country’s financial regulators and has taken early steps to head off potential problems.

It has reined in excessive loan growth, restricted loans to certain sectors and forced banks to raise fresh capital to provide a buffer against future deterioration in asset quality.

Chinese banks have announced plans to raise at least $93bn from share and convertible bond sales.

“We know there will be asset quality problems down the road but whether they lead to a systemic problem in the banking sector is a different question,” Ms Chu says.

中国国家审计署(National Audit Office)4月底对中国农业银行(ABC)总行和11家分行进行了审计,发现这家中国资产规模第四大的银行存在高达数百亿元人民币的违规贷款。






“毫无疑问,中国银行业较10年前有了长足的进步,当时它们大多已资不抵债,”惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)分析师朱夏莲(Charlene Chu)说。



“中国的情况非常像西方2007年和2008年时的情形——那是一场流动性催生的资产泡沫,”独立风险顾问董乐明(Lonnie Dounn)说。







法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)估计,去年约有3万亿元人民币的新增贷款流向了这些地方政府融资平台,其中大部分贷款仅由省级政府提供信用担保,而没有实际抵押物。






