
双语秀   2016-05-14 19:18   86   0  

2010-5-31 00:36

小艾摘要: The US and China tip-toed around each other at high-level talks in Beijing yesterday, going out of their way to avoid open disagreements on North Korea, exchange rates and other thorny issues that div ...
The US and China tip-toed around each other at high-level talks in Beijing yesterday, going out of their way to avoid open disagreements on North Korea, exchange rates and other thorny issues that divide them.

After a period at the start of the year when relations appeared to be deteriorating rapidly, raising the possibility of a trade war, both governments were at pains to strike a conciliatory note in their public comments, even though there were few signs of progress on any of the big subjects.

The annual meeting, which began focusing on economic issues but which the Obama administration broadened to include security, is essentially a Washington-led effort to engage more with the Chinese government and to enlist its support in managing global issues, although China is less defensive these days than it used to be at such meetings and also brings its own wish-list.

President Hu Jintao pledged that China would reform a currency policy that in effect pegs the renminbi to the US dollar – one of Washington's priorities in its dealings with China – although he gave no hints of the timing of any policy shift.

“China will continue to steadily advance the reform of the formation of the renminbi exchange rate mechanism under the principle of independent decision-making, controllability and gradual progress,” he said.

On North Korea, Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, opted for low-key encouragement of China to back the administration's criticisms of Pyongyang over the sinking of a South Korean warship, the Cheonan, in March.

“I can say that the Chinese recognise the gravity of the situation we face,” she said. “They understand the reaction by the South Koreans and they understand our unique responsibility for peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.”

Wang Qishan, a vice- premier, urged the US to end export controls on “dual-use” technology that has potential military applications, arguing that such exports could help reduce China's trade surplus with the US.

David Shambaugh, a China expert at George Washington University who is based in Beijing, said the summit was a “useful buffer” for two governments that were “clearly trying to bring some stability to a relationship that had been in a downward spiral” earlier in the year.

However, although the US and China needed a forum to discuss long-term interests and potential areas of disagreement, he said, it was not clear whether the annual two-day meeting could achieve this as the Chinese system “is not suited to putting all the main players in a room to deal with the main issues in public”. In the US there was not enough acceptance of the idea of dealing with China as an equal.

Eswar Prasad, a former China economist at the International Monetary Fund and now at Cornell University, said China's exchange rate could become an election issue in the US if Beijing did not shift its currency policy in the coming weeks.

“If China does not act soon, the US Treasury is going to be hard-pressed to fend off domestic political pressures to label China a currency manipulator,” he said.






在朝鲜问题上,对于3月份韩国“天安”舰遭到击沉一事,美国国务卿希拉里?克林顿(Hillary Clinton)选择低调鼓励中方支持奥巴马政府对朝鲜的批评。



住在北京的乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)中国问题专家沈大伟(David Shambaugh)表示,这一峰会是两国政府之间的“有用的缓冲区”,目前双方“显然正试图给(今年早些时候)曾急转直下的关系带来一些稳定。”


国际货币基金组织(IMF)前中国经济学家、现任职于美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)的埃斯瓦尔?普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示,如果北京方面在未来数周内不改变其汇率政策,中国的汇率在美国可能成为一个竞选话题。


