2010-5-31 05:04
A year in the making, the redesigned China Daily makes its debut on March 1 — the biggest revamp in its 29-year history. The new China Daily has a cosmopolitan and sophisticated look to go with its rich content and its unique status as the country’s national English-language newspaper.
China Daily has set the goal of being a world-class newspaper commensurate with China’s global stature. Editor-in-Chief Zhu Ling sees the launch before the “Two Sessions” of the NPC and CPPCC as a great opportunity to better present China to the outside world. As the Chinese newspaper most quoted by foreign media, China Daily has set up its biggest team yet to cover this important event, which is drawing increasing international attention. In terms of layout, the makeover is full-blown, including a new masthead. Using state-of-the-art design principles, it incorporates photographs, graphics, cartoons and other visual elements in a unified style that represents the cutting edge of the newspaper industry. In terms of content, the new China Daily has fine-tuned its reporting mix, giving breaking news and instant updates to its website and beefing up in-depth investigations and analyses for its print version. The convergence has also enriched chinadaily.com.cn, making it the biggest English-language news site in Asia and creating platforms for public discourse on China topics. Metro Beijing, inserted into the flagship edition for the Beijing market, will expand from four pages to eight, making the Beijing edition a 32-page daily. Serving millions of international readers who arrive in the capital city every year, this section combines news reporting with service information. This model will eventually be replicated in Shanghai and Guangdong, providing more localized content for each metropolitan market. Founded in 1981, China Daily has a daily circulation of 300,000. It has a stable of 11 publications, nine websites in three languages and three mobile platforms, forming Asia’s biggest network of English-language news and information. Notable among these are Asia’s largest English-language news website with 20 million daily visits, its cellphone-distributed Mobile News with 600,000 subscribers, and its email news reaching 200,000 subscribers in 105 countries. 点击查看更多双语新闻 3月1日,经过近一年的紧张筹备,《中国日报》实施了1981年创刊以来最大规模的改扩版,全面推出新版,以大气现代的版面和精致独到的内容为读者奉上一份信息丰富、赏心悦目、富有深度的国家英文日报。
改版后的《中国日报》以“解读中国,点评世界”为报道主题,将打造与中国国际地位相称的世界一流英文媒体作为目标。中国日报总编辑朱灵表示,日益繁荣昌盛的中国正吸引着越来越多的国际关注,即将召开的2010年中国“两会”尤其为世人所瞩目。 作为被外媒转引最多的中国报纸,《中国日报》在“两会”召开前夕全面改版,并成立了历史上规模最大的报道组采访报道“两会”,就是要借此时机更加全面、客观地回应海外受众关切,更好地向世界说明中国。 在版式上,新版《中国日报》更换了沿用近30年的报头,启用了新报头和标识,运用世界报业最前沿的设计元素,整合图片、图表、漫画、插图和版样等,把《中国日报》打造成适合“读图时代”的视觉精品。在内容上,重塑报道理念,彻底转变文风,把全面及时的新闻覆盖交给网站,把杂志化的深度分析作为报纸的基石。通过报网融合,与亚洲最大英语新闻网站——小艾网共享读者资源,强化读者反馈,主动设置议题,深度解读中国万象,积极点评世界风云。 同时,随大报在北京地区发行的北京版由4版扩为8版,这使《中国日报》在北京的旗舰报达到32版。北京版面向每年来京在京的数百万外国读者,既注重新闻性,又注重服务性,以亚洲一流英文都市报为发展目标,包括都市要闻、社区热线、理财指南、热点分析、京城人物、生活服务等版面和栏目。北京版模式将陆续在上海、广东等经济发达地区复制,推出当地英文版。 《中国日报》创刊于1981年,日均发行量30万份。目前,中国日报社已形成了包括两大报系、三大语种九个网站、三大手机传播平台为核心的现代传播体系,其中小艾网是亚洲最大的英语新闻网站,日均访问量达2000万次;《中国日报手机报》日均发行量60万份;《中国日报电邮报》每天送达105个国家的20多万高端人士。 (来源:小艾网-中国日报 编辑:Julie) |